Same goes if you're the one doing the siege, as you face the choice of a direct attack to overwhelm the enemy, or staying quick on your feet and harrassing the enemy until they've run out of provisions. Of course, you also have diplomacy, so options are aplenty. 'Do you hold your position and pray that reinforcements arrive before the walls are breached, or worse, you starve to death? Do you sally out to meet the attackers head-on in a brave, but ultimately, suicidal final charge', they wrote.īasically, Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord lets you operate an army much like in real life, with all the implications thereof. Sieges in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord come with a number of questions you need to ask yourself before you dig in. Well, our worst fears would be that still-awesome Mount & Blade doesn't get a sequel, but we know what Taleworlds meant. And then, on the horizon, you see your worst fears realised', they wrote. The campaign has been long and costly, and supplies are running low. After seizing an enemy stronghold, you pause for a respite. You find yourself deep in enemy territory.